Friday 11 January 2013

Art MUST convey the truth.

Art can sometimes convey the truth about certain facts that range from historical or political events to personal and emotional feelings. The Art that is intentionally made to be the media to convey specificities about whatever subject, should bare the responsibility to convey the truth. When one says the truth, complexity surfaces. What does one mean by truth? Honestly from my point of view, truth remains a very subjective concept. The person will only believe what one's mind has been trained to believe and what one's brain feels to believe. Obviously, people will ALWAYS find troubles believing the "truths" that do not correlate with their views on life. From my own limited point of view that truly makes sense to me and that might not speak to all the people out there, I believe that "Art" is only the "truth"about the artists' views on life. I believe that an artist will only speak out, and create an artistic statement that interests him or her. I believe that when an artist chooses to convey a certain message for whatever subject area he or she chooses to focus on, then they should bare the responsibility to convey the "truth" about it. Again when I say "truth" I specifically refer to the artists' own view and dedication to transmitting their subjective feeling of the artwork to the public. An artist must not lie to the public or give out a wrong message or feeling unless he is using some sort of intelligent counter feeling that indeed conveys the true feeling. An artist should stick with his artistic values and must never fail to lie to his audience. One great example of the "lies" art might convey to the World has always existed in propaganda all throughout the world. 


  1. This is an interesting way of looking at truth. It takes away all the problems of truth being subjective. It is an alternative to trying to find the ultimate truth. I agree that everyone of us, artist or not, has their own truth. If we can convey it through art, it would be perfect. It actually alines with my view that art is the expression of the artist, so they can not lie about their feelings and views of the world. It is the medium that makes them free to express what "truth" really means to them. The only problem that we would encounter with this alternative is that people will always argue that this "truth" is not their truth. I also agree that art should not be used as a way to manipulate people into believing a subjective truth that would lead to someone's means or goals in life.

  2. Totally agreed! I believe that art is a very peaceful way of projecting ones' ideas and feelings. The artists produce art and put it out there for people to admire it, but they also have on the sidelines some people who totally hate it and don't cease challenging it. I think some artists want and seek the reaction of the public. This again holds some truth about the artists. We wonder whether the artists wants to challenge us, make us mad, or make us happy? Does the artist really want us to like their piece of art or do they want us to hate. This all goes to the personal need of the artist and what they want us, the public do with their art and this conveys some truth about the artist.

  3. This is true, but I think it does not have to do with liking the piece of art or hating it. True artists do not wait for the personal reaction of the people, but they want to see the intellectual reaction, what thoughts and words are triggered by their work of art. Also, not all artists produce art for it to be admired. Some produce art to challenge predefined concepts of, for example, beauty and esthetics. This triggers thought and emotional reaction that can be interpreted later on as what you said, liking or "hating".

  4. I am always intrigued by artists who keep writing, painting, working.. even when their work is not published, exhibited or appreciated. They seem to be on a journey of self-discovery through artistic production. Some seem to almost driven to keep going even only half-understanding what they are doing or why. Others seem to NEED an audience because the whole endeavor is about communicating something, about sharing a way of knowing, and being understood by another.
