Wednesday 11 November 2015

Reliability of History and The Effects of Advancements In Technology

In 1921, archeologists uncovered the coffin of a young woman expected to have been alive 3,400 years earlier near the Danish village of Egtved. Parts of her hair, tooth enamel, nails, brains, and skin were all preserved The use of language in this article is suggestive, which exposes the ambiguous reality behind most history. For example the article notes that “She may have been a priestess of the Nordic sun-worshipping cult”. The use of the word “may” exposes that the historians think this a possibility based off of the evidence they found and the location of her body, but it is not considered a justified true belief and is instead just a deduction. With the progression of technology in the AOK natural sciences, the AOK of history has also developed, as today, new advances in biomolecular and biogeochemical analyses allow for a more in depth analysis of the remains, but the some aspects still remains mere hypotheticals that have pieced together by historians.

-Noreen, Youssef, & Lamia

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