Wednesday 2 December 2015

Ethics: What is the Right and what is Wrong?
Everyday, we are faced with choices between what is right and what is wrong. Is it right to ignore the better in order to not be late to school? Is it wrong to cut the line at the cafeteria so that you are not late to your meeting about Syrian refugees? Everyday, we must make choices that question our moral beliefs. However, any TOK student could argue that it is impossible to make a different between good or bad because of perspective. We all come from different parts of the world, with different cultures, different backgrounds, and different ideas. Therefore, what I think is right could seem wrong to someone else. For example, in Saudi Arabia, a man would argue that it is "wrong" to have women go around with their hair uncovered and wearing tight clothes. Meanwhile, an American man would argue the opposite, saying that women must be able to dress as they wish since they are equal to men. Their cultural and religious backgrounds force them to have different opinions on the issue. Who are we to say which one of them is right or wrong? One could go as far as to say that it is wrong to state what is right, since we have no authority in determining ethical and moral absolutes. 

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